How to Prepare For a Photoshoot with Children

How to Prepare For a Photoshoot with Children

July 17, 20242 min read


It can be stressful to prepare for a children photoshoot. Photoshoots in general can be a lot of stimulation for a child.  There is a lot going on.  As a parent there is pressure to have your child perform for the camera. Here are some tips for you as the parent and how to prepare your child for a photoshoot along with tips on how to be on a professional photography set.    

Tips on how to prepare a child for a photoshoot and tips on how to be on a professional photography set:  

Clothing preparation 

In general you want to stick with dark solid colors ( blue, green, magenta, pink, turquoise, orange, brown), unless the shoot calls for it avoid large brands, animations, super heroes, large prints. 

Photoshoot with Children

If the photoshoot is for advertising there is licensing infringement of the brands to be considered and that is why it's best to avoid it.  

Have clothing backups.  Children get messy and it's ok, just bring backup.  

How to prepare the child

We all want this to be a positive experience for the child.  Prepare them mentally for the shoot.  Tell them about it, the people involved.  Let them know you will be around and that they are safe.  If they want to stop and have a break they can.  Play photoshoot with them.  Pretend this is a game, a game of make believe.  Have them act like their favorite super hero. 

Photoshoot with Children

Play their favorite music.  Let's do some real smiles and let's be playful and silly as well. 

Photoshoot with Children

It's okay to be silly.  Let's do that at the end.  

Have snacks available for them onsite

If possible, time the shoot around nap time.  

Around the photoshoot time stay away from giving the child sugar.  The sugar can cause meltdowns and can lead to overstimulation because of the rush to the nervous system.  

Have the bribes or rewards be an activity verse sugar

Bring an item from home that is their security “anchor” or is soothing – like a toy, blanket.  

During the shoot

Reframe from reprimanding, scolding the child during the session.  They will associate it as a bad experience.

Let the photographer know of their favorite super heroes or characters, let the photographer know of their favorite music.  Play the same music that was played when you were doing your “rehearsal”.

Photoshoot with Children

If it’s a small child.  Read the room.  You can help the photographer during the shoot and be behind the photographer being animated and playful.  

You will also want to step back and allow the photographer do their thing unless they call on you.  

When doing lifestyle scenes.  Child at hospital, child at activity.

There is an observation effect that happens during photoshoots.  If there are a lot of people watching them preform it can cause anxiety and preoccupation.  It is better to have minimal people around.  

It’s okay for them to take breaks.  

How to Prepare for a Photoshoot with Children
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